St Clair Crossing


St Clair Crossing Identifies $7,300 in Water Savings Per Annum


CLIENT: Prime Real Estate Group


SERVICES: Water monkey installation

TOTAL NOI ENHANCEMENT: $7,300 per annum


Prime Real Estate Group (PREG) is a prominent full-service development and property management company with an extensive portfolio of commercial properties. Within their portfolio is St Clair Crossing, a retail mall fully leased to a diverse mix of needs-based and service-oriented tenancies such as Wendy’s, Starbucks, Denny’s, Pedi and Nails and many more.


PREG encountered a recurring problem involving water leaks at one of their properties. Initially, they grappled with a persistent and costly irrigation system leak that spanned several months, inflicting significant financial losses. However, even after successfully addressing this issue, PREG confronted a new water-related predicament at St Clair Crossing.

This new challenge revolved around seemingly excessive water consumption that led to skyrocketing water bills. Despite the mounting expenses, PREG could not pinpoint which tenant was responsible for the water waste within their multi-strip mall complex. With this problem, PREG sought the expertise of Connected Sensors to devise a more efficient solution.


Connected Sensors implemented a network of Water Monkey smart flow sensors on each building’s water meter within the mall complex, providing PREG with continuous, actionable insights into water consumption patterns.

Within their customized dashboard, PREG received a comprehensive overview of water usage within each building, empowering them to track and analyze water consumption at a more granular level.

St Clair Crossing


Identifying the Source of the Issue

With the Connected Sensors smart water monitoring system, PREG could precisely pinpoint the exact building responsible for the water leak. This level of accuracy was crucial in resolving the problem effectively.

Tenant Collaboration

Armed with this data, PREG initiated discussions with tenants in that building to pinpoint the source of the leak. Through this process, they determined that the water issue originated from a dental practice. The dental equipment was found to be using water 24/7, contributing to excessive water consumption, a problem they were unaware of.

Significant Cost Savings

By identifying and addressing the root cause of the excessive water consumption, PREG realized substantial cost savings of approximately $7,300 annually.