API Label | Unit | Description |
rssi | dBm | Signal strength based on the last received update from the device. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
rssi_state_bit | boolean | An indication of whether the signal is good or bad (1 = bad, 0 = good) |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_per_update | Liters | Water consumption per update as measured in 10 minutes intervals. (Water is measured in 10 minute intervals and is pushed to the cloud once every 6 hours, it is expected that the last 6 hours worth of data will be missing until the next 6 hour interval has lapsed) |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_cost_per_update | $ | Water cost per update as measured in 10 minutes intervals. (Water is measured in 10 minute intervals and is pushed to the cloud once every 6 hours, it is expected that the last 6 hours worth of data will be missing until the next 6 hour interval has lapsed) |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_meter_display_total | m3 | It is estimated to be accurate within 10% of the total water meter reading. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_per_update | Liters | This parameter is calculated based on the assumption that water consumption is at its minimum in the early hours of the morning (1am to 5am). Therefore this parameter can be seen as the minimum continuous flow rate that was detected by the device within the last 24 hours and its assumed to be a leak. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_cost_per_update | $ | This parameter is calculated based on the leak volume per update variable indicated above. It is calculated by multiplying the cost per m3 (received during device commissioning) with the leak volume per update |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_state_bit | boolean | This parameter is based on the leak volume per update variable and indicates that the water usage value hasn't returned to 0 within the last 24 hours. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_per_update | Liters | This parameter is calculated as the difference between the water consumption and leak volume. The variables value is calculated by subtracting the leak volume from the total water consumed. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_cost_per_update | $ | This parameter is calculated as the difference between the water consumption cost and leak cost. The variables value is calculated by subtracting the leak cost from the total water cost. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_percentage | % | The value for this parameter is calculated by dividing the volume of water leaked by the total water consumption. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_percentage | % | This variable is applicable to devices applied to a compound meter head. The value for this parameter is calculated by dividing the low flow water meters volume by the total water consumption. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_water_meter_reading | m3 | This variable is applicable to devices applied to a compound meter head. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% of the low flow water meter heads reading. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_water_meter_reading | m3 | This variable is applicable to devices applied to a compound meter head. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% of the high flow water meter heads reading |
API Label | Unit | Description |
battery_capacity_remaining | joules | This parameter is calculated by taking away the amount of energy used by the device from the total battery capacity. It is an estimate of the energy remaining in the battery pack. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
battery_indication_bit | boolean | An indication of whether the battery strength is good or bad (1 = bad, 0 = good) |
API Label | Unit | Description |
device_offline_bit | boolean | Device offline indicator bit (1 = offline, 0 = online). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
total_flow_rate | LPM | The total water used within a given period. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_rate_per_update_grey_area | LPM | The total water used within a given period. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_rate_per_update_min | LPM | The amount of water estimated to be run-off / leak water. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
total_flow_rate_g | GPM | The total water used. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
grey_area_flow_rate_g | GPM | Total flow rate of water that cannot be classified as leaked or actually consumed. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
run_off_water_flow_rate_g | GPM | The amount of water estimated to be run-off / leak water. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_per_update_g | Gallons | The actual water consumption per update (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_day | Liters | The actual water consumption for today (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_day_g | Gallons | The actual water consumption for today (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_month | Liters | The actual water consumption for this month (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_month_g | Gallons | The actual water consumption for this month (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_week | Liters | The actual water consumption for this week (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_week_g | Gallons | The actual water consumption for this week (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_year | Liters | The actual water consumption for this year (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_consumption_sum_year_g | Gallons | The actual water consumption for this year (negating the leak volume per update). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_cost_sum_day | $ | Total actual water cost for today (negating the leak cost). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_cost_sum_week | $ | Total actual water cost for this week (negating the leak cost). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_cost_sum_month | $ | Total actual water cost for this month (negating the leak cost). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
actual_cost_sum_year | $ | Total actual water cost for this year (negating the leak cost). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
vbat | mV | Latest averaged battery level of the device. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
shutdown | - | Use this Variable to remotely turnoff the device |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_percentage | % | Percentage of high flow side water volume in comparison to total water consumption. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_side_flow_rate_g | GPM | High flow side water used |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_side_flow_rate | LPM | High flow side water used |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_volume_sum_day | m3 | High flow water meter reading for today. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_volume_sum_day | m3 | High flow water meter reading for today. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_volume_sum_month | m3 | High flow water meter reading for this month. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_volume_sum_week | m3 | High flow water meter reading for this week. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_volume_sum_year | m3 | High flow water meter reading for this year. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_cost_sum_day | $ | Total leak cost for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_cost_sum_month | $ | Total leak cost for this month. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_cost_sum_week | $ | Total leak cost for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_cost_sum_year | $ | Total leak cost for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_per_update_g | Gallons | This parameter is calculated based on the assumption that water consumption is at its minimum between 1am and 5am. Therefore this parameter can be seen as the minimum continuous flow rate that was detected by the device within the last 24 hours and its assumed to be a leak |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_percentage_day | % | Percentage of water categorized as leak for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_percentage_month | % | Percentage of water categorized as leak for this month. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_percentage_week | % | Percentage of water categorized as leak for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_percentage_year | % | Percentage of water categorized as leak for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_day | Liters | Total leak volume for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_day_g | Gallons | Total leak volume for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_month | Liters | Total leak volume for this month |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_month_g | Gallons | Total leak volume for this month |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_week | Liters | Total leak volume for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_week_g | Gallons | Total leak volume for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_year | Liters | Total leak volume for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
leak_volume_sum_year_g | Gallons | Total leak volume for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_side_flow_rate_g | Gallons | Low flow side water used. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_side_flow_rate | Liters | Low flow side water used. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_volume_sum_day | m3 | Low flow water meter reading for today. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_volume_sum_month | m3 | Low flow water meter reading for this month. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_volume_sum_week | m3 | Low flow water meter reading for this week. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
low_flow_volume_sum_year | m3 | Low flow water meter reading for this year. It is estimated to be accurate within 10% |
API Label | Unit | Description |
meter_type | - | Single or compound meter as indicated by input (1 = single, 0 = compound). |
API Label | Unit | Description |
rsrp | dBm | How good the signal power (radio signal) is from the device to the closest tower. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
high_flow_event_alert | dBm | This alert indicates an event that was outside the normal usage patterns. This alert can be generated by the actual hardware or post update software alert. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_per_update_g | Gallons | Water consumption per update as measured in 10 minutes intervals. (Water is measured in 10 minute intervals and is pushed to the cloud once every 6 hours, it is expected that the last 6 hours worth of data will be missing until the next 6 hour interval has lapsed) |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_day | Liters | Total water consumption volume for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_day_g | Gallons | Total water consumption volume for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_month | Liters | Total water consumption volume for this month. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_month_g | Gallons | Total water consumption volume for this month. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_week | Liters | Total water consumption volume for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_week_g | Gallons | Total water consumption volume for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_year | Liters | Total water consumption volume for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_consumption_sum_year_g | Gallons | Total water consumption volume for this year. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_cost_sum_day | $ | Total water cost for today. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_cost_sum_week | $ | Total water cost for this week. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_cost_sum_month | $ | Total water cost for this month. |
API Label | Unit | Description |
water_cost_sum_year | $ | Total water cost for this year. |