Variable Object
idStringID of Variable
LabelStringLabel of Variable
nameStringName of Variable
createdAtStringDate Variable was created
syntheticExpressionStringSynthetic Expression of a the Synthetic Variable
descriptionStringDescription of Variable
deviceObjectDevice it belongs to
lastActivityNumberDate of of Variables's last activity
lastValueObjectLast value of the Variable
propertiesObjectProperties of Variable, including support for: - _color: Variable's color in #rrggbb hexadecimal format. - _icon: Font Awesome name of Variable's icon. - minimum_value: Variable's minimum value of allowed values. - maximum_value: Variable's maximum value of allowed values.
tagsString ArrayTags of device
typeString"raw" or "synthetic"
unitStringUnit of Variable, can be anything
urlStringUrl of Variable
valuesUrlStringURL of Values of the Variable
Variable Filters
Filter AttributeFilter TypeAvailable Filters
ididexact, in
LabelStringexact (case sensitive), iexact (case insensitive), contains, icontains (case insensitive), startswith, istartswith (case sensitive), endswith, iendswith (case insensitive), in (case sensitive), isnull
nameStringexact (case sensitive), iexact (case insensitive), contains, icontains (case insensitive), startswith, istartswith (case sensitive), endswith, iendswith (case insensitive), in (case sensitive), isnull
createdAtDateexact (=), date, year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, isnull
descriptionStringexact (case sensitive), iexact (case insensitive), contains, icontains (case insensitive), startswith, istartswith (case sensitive), endswith, iendswith (case insensitive), in (case sensitive), isnull
deviceRelated Filter of Device
tagsString Listexact, contains, contained_by, overlap, len, isnull
lastValueObjectLast value of the Variable
propertiesObjectProperties of Variable, including support for: - _color: Variable's color in #rrggbb hexadecimal format. - _icon: Font Awesome name of Variable's icon. - minimum_value: Variable's minimum value of allowed values. - maximum_value: Variable's maximum value of allowed values.
tagsString Listexact, contains, contained_by, overlap, len, isnull
unitStringexact (case sensitive), iexact (case insensitive), contains, icontains (case insensitive), startswith, istartswith (case sensitive), endswith, iendswith (case insensitive), in (case sensitive), isnull
propertiesObjectcontains, contained_by, has_key, has_any_keys, has_keys, isnull
typeStringexact (case sensitive), iexact (case insensitive), contains, icontains (case insensitive), startswith, istartswith (case sensitive), endswith, iendswith (case insensitive), in (case sensitive), isnull
What are your feelings
Updated on February 3, 2024