The JSON object of a device
idStringID of Device
LabelStringLabel of Device
nameStringName of Device
createdAtStringDate Device was created
descriptionStringDescription of Device
isActiveBooleanTrue if Device is active
lastActivityNumberDate of of Device's last activity
organizationOrganization ModelOrganization the Device belongs to
locationObjectGPS position as set in Device properties. This is a read-only field; to set a position, send the _location_fixed object in the properties body parameter.
tagsString ArrayTags of device
URLStringURL of the device
variablesStringVariables URL of Device
variablesCountIntegerNumber of Variables in the Device
propertiesObjectProperties of Device, including support for: - _color: Device color in #rrggbb hexadecimal format. - _icon: Font Awesome name of device icon.


“properties”: {
“_color”: “#EA6F4C”,
“_icon”: “cloud-sun”,
“_location_fixed”: {
“lat”: 6.2486,
“lng”: 75.5742
“createdAt”: “2019-11-25T19:35:08.975270Z”,
“description”: “some description”,
“id”: “6e309da44fc8455a9cceb5aa”,
“isActive”: true,
“label”: “first-device”,
“lastActivity”: null,
“name”: “First Device”,
“organization”: {
“id”: “af92e4c82bf1d39cc21882f5b”,
“label”: “my-first-customer”,
“name”: “My First Customer”,
“url”: “”
“tags”: [“first”],
“url”: “”,
“variables”: “”,
“variablesNumber”: 1

What are your feelings
Updated on February 3, 2024