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Prime Real Estate Group Identifies $50,000 in Water Savings Per Annum


CLIENT: Prime Real Estate Group


SERVICES: Water monkey install, water audit, ODEUS install

TOTAL NOI ENHANCEMENT: $50,000 per annum

START DATE: March 2022

RESULTS: Identified major pipe burst, leaking toilets & cooling tower issue


Prime Real Estate Group (PREG) is a full-service development and property management company. They contacted Connected Sensors to perform a pilot on their head office, an 8-story commercial building located in Etobicoke, Ontario. The purpose of the pilot was to identify if Connected Sensors’ suite of smart water management solutions would be a good fit for their clients and for their portfolio of buildings.


Phase I: Connected Sensors performed a detailed assessment of the building’s infrastructure to estimate how much PREG could save through a Smart Water Monitoring System. We deployed and installed our non-intrusive, battery-operated water monitoring device called the Water Monkey onto PREG’s city water meter. Using LTE, the Water Monkey provided minute-by-minute insight into their water consumption data. Once the WaterMonkey was installed, we provided PREG with a dashboard that delivered 24/7 actionable insights into the water usage patterns.

Phase II: We installed ODEUS on the header supplying water to washrooms on each floor to detect water leaks and abnormalities.


  • Identified major pipe burst in the irrigation line, which had gone undetected due to the hours of operation of the irrigation system.
  • Identified that the irrigation system was set to a 7-day week instead of being scheduled to turn on every other day (at a minimum).
  • Detected a cooling tower blowdown cycle issue resulting in significant water waste over the summer.
  • Identified toilet leaks in several areas of the building

When annualized, the savings represent over $50,000.